Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) announces the exam schedule for the CET Group-C posts (2nd Phase). The OMR sheet-based written exam is set for January 6-7, 2024, across various groups. Admit cards will be available for download from January 2, 2024, on the official website. Candidates must carefully read the instructions before the exam. The Commission has completed preparations for upcoming exams and selected approximately 27,000 candidates. In case of any issues, candidates can report to the Commission Office by January 5, 2024.< a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/education/news/hssc-cet-group-c-exam-date-2023-exam-for-group-17-32-43-and-48-on-jan-7-8-admit-card-on-jan-2/articleshow/106339168.cms">READ MORE